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We have an ongoing need of funds to allow us to not only manage the complex effectively, efficiently and safely but to ensure that the fabric of the cottages both internally and externally is maintained to a high standard thus contributing towards a good quality of life for the cottagers.
The significant programme of door, window and boiler replacement in all cottages is an example of fabric maintenance and comes at a very high cost.
If Robert Burns were alive today we believe he would have supported our Homes.
He would have been enthused by the fact that the Homes overlook the lands that he once trod.
For over 100 years, the Trustees have met their responsibilities in maintaining accommodation of this living memorial to Burns.
However, it is vital that we receive ongoing financial support, making certain we continue to provide up to date comfortable, safe accommodation and communal facilities.
Donations and legacies would be very much appreciated and should be sent to:-
George M. Ross
National Burns Memorial Homes
38 St Ives Road
G69 0PE
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